Parish AGM Minutes

Farlington Parish Meeting AGM, 30th Sept 2021, 7pm

Farlington Village Hall

Minutes (unapproved)


John Wills (Chair)

Sue Scotter (Sec)

David Waring (Treasurer)

Beverley Kershaw

Sheila Nield

Geoff Nield

Mike Scotter

  1. Welcome

The Chair welcomed all to the AGM. It was noted that, despite this being our first chance to meet face-to-face again, only four parishioners were in attendance. The Sec questioned whether there was any merit in continuing with a Parish Meeting (lowest tier of Local Government) due to the apparent continuing lack of interest or engagement by residents. It is not mandatory to have one. For the time being, it was agreed that we should continue but keep it under review.

  1. Apologies for absence


  1. Approval of minutes of previous Parish AGM 2020 by Zoom

Minutes approved without amendment.

  1. Electors agreement to Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

All current post holders agreed to continue for the time being.

  1. Treasurer’s report

£467 c/f from 20/21 FY

Income in 20/21 from allotments and precept.

Expenses on village Christmas tree and contribution to purchase of defibrillator.

Current balance @ 30/9/21 £1411.

It was agreed that 2 new village signs should be purchased as they were in a poor state of repair. Sec said that signs have to be purchased from a Highways approved supplier but it was agreed that we should try to source ones in keeping with the current style. Treasurer agreed to speak to a resident in Marton-on-Forest to establish who they had recently purchased a new sign from.

  1. Setting of village precept 2022/23

It was agreed to maintain the precept at £480.

  1. Update on rules regarding septic tanks draining into water courses

Geoff Nield updated the meeting on the status of regulations regarding septic tank drainage into water courses. There is a legal requirement, in force since 2019 (enforced by the Environment Agency), to have a septic tank fitted with a filtration system if it currently discharges untreated directly into a water course. The timelines for work to be done are currently ambiguous due to the Covid-19 crisis. However, it is the responsibility of homeowners to ensure that their septic tank conforms to the Regulations. It has particular implications for homeowners should they wish to sell their property and have an illegal septic tank. Hutchinsons have offered to come and give a talk to any villagers that this may impact upon.

  1. AOB

Sec confirmed that, as of 2023, North Yorkshire will move to a Single Unitary Super Council serving the whole of North Yorkshire. All District Councils will cease to exist. As yet, it is unclear how this will affect service provision throughout the County and how monies will be devolved but it is likely that Parish Councils/Meetings will be expected to take on more management of their communities, both financial and strategic.

Sec also advised of a campaign know as “20s Plenty” to try to bring pressure to bear on Councils to reduce the speed limit through villages to 20mph rather than 30mph. Parish Councillors are required to put this to their parish meetings, take a vote and report back to the councillors running the campaign. It was agreed that, in principle, residents were generally in support of the efforts to reduce speeding through villages but without adequate means of policing it was unlikely to be successful. However, we would register our support in principle.

  1. Date of next meeting (Sept 2022 tbc)

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