Village Hall AGM Minutes

Farlington Village Hall Charitable Trust AGM, 30th Sept 2021

Farlington Village Hall

(Followed Parish Meeting AGM)



John Wills (Chair & Managing Trustee)

Sue Scotter (Treasurer & Managing Trustee)

David Waring (Managing Trustee)

Beverley Kershaw (Managing Trustee)

Sheila Nield

Geoff Nield

Mike Scotter

  1. Welcome

The Chair welcomed all to the village hall AGM.

  1. Apologies for absence


  1. Approval of minutes of previous Village Hall AGM 2020 by Zoom

Minutes approved without amendment.

  1. Treasurer’s report

Funds carried forward from 20/21 FY: £11,214

Total Covid grants received in 2021: £17,431

Electricity costs FY to date: £45.05

Miscellaneous expenses to support Covid security measures and repairs: £1331.50

Hire income: £210

Current balance @ 30/9/2021: £27,442.50

  1. Upcoming events

October 30th 2021, 7pm: Village Quiz night. Soup and roll supper with cake dessert and glass of Prosecco or soft drink. Teams of 2-4. Entries by 15th October. Prizes for 1st and 2nd places.

11th December 2021, 6.30pm: Mince pies and mulled wine night. Lighting of village Christmas tree and carols.

  1. AOB

Mike Scotter asked whether there was any scope for improving the state of the tarmac immediately outside the village hall as it was badly broken up allowing weeds to flourish. It was agreed that Highways should be approached in the first instance to see if they could undertake repairs.

  1. Date of next meeting (Sep 2022 tbc)

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