Farlington Acoustic Music Evening

Farlington Village Hall, Wednesday 30th October

7:30 pm to 10:30pm (Doors open 7:15pm)

Violin wrapped in Christmas lights

Come and shrug off those post budget blues and enjoy a cosy, foot tapping evening around the woodburner. Folk, blues, jazz and pop performed by invited local musicians.

Tickets £10 to include a welcome drink and nibbles.

Feel free to bring a bottle.

Tickets strictly limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Contact secretary@farlington.org.uk or text Sue on 07840 966041.

All proceeds to support Farlington Village Hall

Farlington Summer BBQ 2024

Sunday 18th August, from 3pm

Cartoon of a man barbecueing some burgers

To celebrate the re-opening of the village hall following refurbishment

£5/head to include nibbles & a Bucks Fizz.

Please bring your own choice of food to BBQ and something to wet your whistle 😀

Any donations of sides/desserts most welcome.

Live music with “Unarmed Weasel”

Tickets from Sue by 10th Aug please.
Email secretary@farlington.org.uk

Mulled Wine, Mince Pies & Lighting of Farlington Christmas Tree. 

Christmas Tree

Sunday, 10th December 5.30pm, Farlington Village Hall

Christmas is coming, so its time to dust off the tinsel and fairy lights.  To help you get in the festive spirit, you are invited to our annual get together with Christmas music, mulled wine and mince pies at the village hall. Tree lights will be switched on at 6pm. Just so we can plan food and drink, please let me know if you are coming at secretary@farlington.org.uk.

Hope to see you there🎄