Interim Meeting, 17th April, 6.30pm, Farlington Village Hall
John Wills (Chair)
Sue Scotter (Sec)
David Waring (Treasurer)
Geoff Nield
- Welcome and apologies
Chair welcomed Geoff Nield to the meeting. Apologies received from Mike Scotter and Sheila Nield.
- Approval of minutes of last meeting (AGM 23 Sept 2023)
Minutes approved.
- Review and approval of parish accounts
Secretary reviewed the accounts which will be available to view on the village hall noticeboard for 2 weeks or can be requested from the secretary via email. Parish monies carried forward to FY 24/25 £1362.62.
- Planning applications
Secretary reported that the following applications had been approved:
– Old Grain Store: Outline PP for house approved.
– Atkinsons @ Rockingham Villa: Animal shed approved.
Secretary gave an update on the ongoing discussions regarding the Cornborough Traveller site. No decision was made at the last NYC Planning Committee meeting pending the requests for further information from the applicants agent. No further information likely until June 2024. Kevin Hollinrake MP is in a dialogue with NYC about this application.
Mr Nield enquired as to whether there was any further information on plans for Farlington Lodge. Secretary said none known officially.
Secretary updated those present on ongoing repairs to the village hall, which were progressing well and soon to be completed. Fit class to resume again on 2nd May.
- Date of next AGM (Sept 2024 tbc on Farlington website).
Village Hall AGM to be held immediately after.