Please see details of this planning application from 2022 which you will be familiar with. This relates to the illegal traveller site at Cornborough which has continued to be developed without planning permission and is seeking to be expanded to a puppy farm, as reported in the Sheriff Hutton News. It seems NYC have now decided to revisit this application following no decision back in 2022 and are seeking views again. Please see details below and how to attend the planning meeting on 21st March at 10am which will take place at Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, YO17 7HH, or how you can comment.
PROPOSAL: Change of use of land to a gypsy/traveller site with 4no family pitches each with 1no static caravan, 1no touring caravan pitch and parking spaces, erection 1no. amenity building and installation of 1no bio-disc treatment plant with associated parking and landscaping.
LOCATION: Land At Cornborough Road, Sheriff Hutton, North Yorkshire.
NUMBER: 22/00102/FUL: Thirsk and Malton Area Planning Committee Meeting.
The Committee papers can be viewed at
Priority will be given to those wishing to address the Area Planning Committee under the Opportunity to Speak Scheme detailed below. Those wishing to observe the meeting are encouraged to do so via YouTube Channel at Ryedale District Council Live Streaming where proceedings will be broadcast.
If you wish to attend to observe the meeting you must contact the Council’s Democratic Services team by email at or 0300 131 2 131.
The submission of documentation and material to the Committee, or circulation to attendees, is not permitted on the day of the meeting.
Speaking at Committee
As someone who has commented on this application you may, if you wish, participate in the meeting as explained in the speaking at Committee guidance that is enclosed with this letter.
Please note the necessary time limit of 3 minutes for one person from each of the following groups:
Parish Council
Division Member
Applicant or Agent
The first objector to register to speak will normally be appointed as the spokesperson. Where there is more than one person wishing to speak, objectors are encouraged to agree on a spokesperson who is prepared to cover all the points of concern, to make best use of the time available. Supporters are expected to appear within the time allocated for the applicant and may wish to discuss with him/her the best use of the time available.
To speak at the meeting, you must register by 12.00pm at least 3 working days before the start of the meeting, by contacting the Council’s Democratic Services team by email at or 0300 131 2 131. Those wishing to address Members of the Planning Committee will be required to attend the meeting in person – this cannot be done remotely. The Chair will advise when it is time for you to speak at the meeting.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us or 0300 131 2 131.
Yours faithfully
Jill Thompson
Planning Officer
Public participation in Public Participation in Area Constituency Planning Committee Meetings
The Council operates a scheme of public speaking at Planning Committee meetings.
Persons wishing to speak on an application, which is to be considered at a Planning Committee and who have previously made representations on the application, should contact Democratic Services by 12 noon 3 working days before the Planning Committee meeting.
Contact details will be provided on the relevant Planning Committee agenda. No late notification will be accepted and speakers cannot “turn up” to speak at Committee without the due notice being given.
The purpose of the scheme is to enable speakers to put forward any points they wish to make directly to the Committee. There will be no need to read any submission already made in writing, as this will already be summarised in the report Councillors have before them. If a representation is prepared by a speaker for the meeting it is helpful if a written copy could be provided to Democratic Services in good time in advance of the meeting.
People wishing to speak at Planning Committee cannot hand out documentation to members of the Committee except at the discretion of the Chair. Photographs may be handed out, provided that a minimum of 20 copies have been delivered to the Council by 12.00 noon on the last working day prior to the meeting. There is also no provision to display maps, photographs or other information on boards or on screens in the meeting room on behalf of those making representations at the meeting.
The Chair of the Committee retains the right to decline to hear someone if they behave improperly, offensively or if they, in the Chair’s view, intentionally obstruct the business in hand.
Normally the following people can speak at Planning Committee in relation to any specific
One speaker representing the applicant – usually the applicant themselves or their agent.
One speaker representing the objectors.
The relevant Parish Council representative.
A Division Member.
In exceptional circumstances the Chair has discretion to allow any other person to speak if it is considered necessary to do so.
Order of Speakers
1. The objector has three minutes to put their case.
2. A representative of the relevant parish council then has three minutes to put their case.
3. A division member who wishes to speak on the application will be allocated three minutes to put their case.
4. At the appropriate time, any other person allowed to speak at the discretion of the Chairman will be allowed three minutes to put their case.
5. Finally the applicant, or their representative, will be allowed three minutes to put their case.
The speaker representing the applicant must have the permission of the applicant to represent them.
The speaker representing the objector(s) can be a neighbour, an interested individual or a representative of a residents group.
The first objector to register to speak will normally be appointed as the spokesperson. Where there is more than one person wishing to speak, objectors are encouraged to agree on a spokesperson who is prepared to cover all the points of concern, so as to make best use of the time available.
Speakers should confine their comments to matters relevant to planning applications.
Officers may comment on the representations and the merits of the application in the light of those representations.
The Committee will proceed to debate the application and make a decision.