Farlington Village Hall AGM

27th September 2023, 7.30pm, Farlington Village Hall

Charity No. 235409



J. Wills (Trustee & Chair)

S. Scotter (Trustee & Treasurer)

D. Waring (Trustee)

B. Kershaw (Trustee)

M. Scotter

S. Nield

G. Nield

  1. Welcome

Chair welcomed all to the meeting.

  1. Apologies for absence

Mr R. Haste

  1. Approval of minutes of previous Village Hall AGM 16th Nov 2022


  1. Treasurers Report

Treasurer reported on the finances for the village hall. Year-end accounts for 22/23 were successfully audited for the Charity Commission on 1st July 2023. £25,384.62 was carried forward into the FY 23/24.

Since interest rates had improved significantly, £10000 had been transferred to a 1yr bond which will yield sufficient interest to pay for the hall insurance due in Feb 2024. A further £6000 had been transferred to a Skipton Building Society instant access account to yield better interest than was available from Barclays. Approx. £5500 remains in the current account for ongoing maintenance, consumable purchases and utility bills. A total income of £1346 had been realised up to March 31st 2023. Outgoings were £2407 to include some hall maintenance and subsidising some village events.

Treasurer reported that from April 1st this year to date, £632 in income had been realised. Expenses were £4279.62, of which £3931 was an exceptional expense for the purchase and installation of a wood burner to replace the open fire. Outside of this, outgoings were £348. Other notable income was from the summer BBQ and hire by church for the pop-up tea room, which yielded £365 in total.

  1. Review of events and upcoming events FY 23/24

The fit class held on a Thursday night was proving a great success and yields regular income.

It was noted that some events had been cancelled due to lack of support. There is still a need for suggestions as to what residents might like to see at the hall. The quiz night was popular and J. Wills agreed to speak with Dudley Valentine to see if he would be willing to be quiz master at the next one as Mike Scotter expressed a desire to hand the reins to someone else. D. Waring suggested that an apple fest at this time next year might be worth considering due to the success of the one in Coxwold.

It was agreed that the mince pies and mulled wine night with lighting of the village Christmas tree this year will be held on Sunday 10th December at 5pm. J. Wills and R. Singleton volunteered to put up the tree. Sue Scotter agreed to source a tree and would seek assistance from residents to put up the lights and help with the event.

  1. AOB


  1. Date of next AGM meeting 2024

September 2024 (to follow directly Parish Meeting AGM 2024)

S. Scotter (Trustee & Sec)

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