Interim Parish Meeting

6.30PM, 19th April 2023, Farlington Village Hall



J. Wills (Chair)

S. Scotter (Sec)

D. Waring (Treasurer)

G. Nield

R. Dunkley

M. Scotter

B. Kershaw

S. Wills

  1. Welcome & Apologies

Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. Apologies from S. Nield.

  1. Approval of minutes of last meeting (AGM, 16th Nov 2022)

Minutes of the last meeting approved.

  1. Review and approval of FY 22/23 parish accounts at year end 31 March 2023

Treasurer reviewed accounts. See table Parish Meeting Accounts 22/23. For new residents, Chair explained the differences between the Parish Meeting (lowest tier of local Government) and the village hall charity. Both are managed independently and according to respective rules for Local Government and Charity Commission.

  1. New North Yorkshire Council

Secretary reported that the new Council, replacing all the former District and County Councils, came into force on April 1st 2023. Further information can be found on their website. A poster will be put up on village noticeboard outside Blacksmiths Arms. Sec reported that key postholders now have to sign a Code of Conduct and there is a formal complaints procedure should any residents have a grievance.

  1. AOB

S. Wills asked what would happen if either the village hall or Parish Meeting folded. Sec explained that with respect to the Parish Meeting, someone will always need to be the named person to disseminate NYC news but the precept would cease if there was no Parish Meeting. As the village hall is a charity, if it ceased to be viable due to lack of managing Trustees or insufficient interest in the hall/events, the charity would be have to be wound up and legal advice would be needed as to how to dispose of assets and charity funds.

  1. Date of next meeting 

The next Parish Meeting will be the AGM held in Sept (date tbc) and will coincide with the Trustees AGM for the village hall. Both meetings open to all residents.

S. Scotter

Sec., FPM

20th April 2023.

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