Farlington Parish AGM

Farlington Village Hall

Wed, 1st May 2019 7pm



  • John Wills (Chair)
  • Sue Scotter (Secretary)
  • David Waring (Treasurer)
  • Jason Brown (Farlington website manager)
  • Mike Scotter
  • Beverley Kershaw
  • Shiela Nield
  • Geoff Nield
  • Stephanie Wills
  • Lynne Lawrie
  • Michelle MacKenzie
  • Christine Cookman
  • Di Watkins (District Councillor)


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance, especially Mrs Di Watkins who has recently succeeded Christine Cookman as our District Councillor.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Ray Levens and Dorothy Hawkswell.

3. Approval of minutes of previous Parish AGM 2018

The Chair reviewed the minutes of the last parish AGM in detail. These were duly approved without amendment.

4. Electors agreement to Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

The Chair asked those present to approve the chair, secretary and treasurer’s positions. No volunteers were forthcoming to take on these roles so the present incumbents would remain. The secretary announced her intention to stand down from the role in 6 months’ time. Therefore, a new secretary will be required. The chair said he was disappointed to see Sue stand down but thanked her for all her efforts over many years.

5. Treasurer’s report (Parish Meeting only)

The treasurer reported that the separation of the Parish Meeting and village hall accounts was now complete. Currently, there is £200 in the Parish account and the annual precept of £480 had just been received into the account from Hambleton District Council making a total of £680.

6. Discussion on progress of on-going village issues (BBand, Defibrillator, village Christmas tree).

The secretary reported that no progress had been made on the delivery of fibre BBand to the village, despite a private supply being installed as far as Ashbrook Barns. The treasurer agreed to chase up his contact to see if there was an update on progress. Action: DW

The secretary reported that Easingwold Lions had agreed to donate £800 towards the cost of a defibrillator for the village. Unfortunately, she had not had sufficient time to chase the grants for the remaining funding needed (approx. £1300) due to other commitments but would do so as soon as time permitted. The secretary requested that if anyone else wanted to try to take this forward please could they let her know and she would supply all the information needed to try to make progress.

Regarding plans for the 2019 village Christmas tree, some discussion took place as to whether the parish should fund the purchase of this year’s tree or whether it would be better to plant a tree to save the annual expenditure of approx. £170. The general feeling was that it would be ecologically better to plant a tree rather than buy one each year, however, consideration needed to be given as to the best time to plant it. Additionally, Mrs Cookman said that permission would need to be given by Hambleton District Council if it was to be sited on their land. The secretary agreed to chase this up. The Chair said that he had a contact who had offered a tree and that he would pursue this to find out more. Action: SS/JW

7. Setting of village precept 2020/21

The treasurer advised that as the Parish meeting funds were quite healthy currently, there was no need to increase the precept for financial year 20/21 and it was agreed that it would stay at £480. The secretary reported that some works were scheduled to repair the parish notice board and to refurbish the village name signs which would be funded out of the precept. The secretary reminded residents to alert her to any works that they believed needed to be carried out. The chair said that the “Give Way” signage outside of April Cottage needed to be reinstalled to alert road users that they needed to stop at this junction. The secretary agreed to pursue this with her contact in the NYCC Highways Department. Action: SS

8. AOB

CC said that she thought it appropriate that she and residents thanked the chair, secretary and treasurer for all their hard work over the year.

9. Date of next meeting

Interim parish meeting to be held Wednesday 25th Sept 2019.

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