
I have previously shared StreetSafe with the residents of North Yorkshire and just wanted to remind you of how to access it. 

If you are unaware of StreetSafe, it is an anonymous reporting tool, which allows you to share your concerns with a multiple agency group, which includes Police, about areas where you feel unsafe or want to avoid for any reason. 

To give an example. 

You may feel that you don’t want to walk down a particular path on your way home from work, as its poorly lit. The bushes are overgrown, there is always dog mess on the ground and there is usually a group of people gathering at the bottom of the road.  

Generally, this isn’t what you would report to the Police, and a lot of people probably wouldn’t speak about it. However, you can make your feeling heard, through StreetSafe. 

You might avoid an area of town as you feel uncomfortable passing groups who gather, or you may be concerned about the signs of drug use, lack of CCTV etc, this is what the survey is for. 

The information is passed to the Senior Management Teams to ensure that officers patrols the right places at the right time. 

You can find the link here: 

Message Sent By
Nathan Stuart
(North Yorkshire Police, PCSO, North Yorkshire)

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