Farlington Parish Meeting AGM

16th November 2022 Farlington Village Hall

Minutes (unapproved)


John Wills (Chair)

Susan Scotter (Sec)

David Waring (Treasurer)

Beverley Kershaw

Michael Scotter

  1. Welcome

Chair welcomed all to the AGM but expressed disappointment once again that so few villagers were in attendance.

  1. Apologies for absence

Mr & Mrs Nield, Mr D. Embleton.

  1. Approval of minutes of previous Parish AGM 30th Sept 2021

Minutes had been approved at meeting in April 2022.

  1. Electors nominations to positions of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

Existing post holders agreed to continue for the time being. However, the future of the Parish Meeting remains under review with such low attendance.

  1. Treasurer’s report

No transactions had taken place since the last meeting. The Parish account contained £1983. Upcoming expenditure included Parish Christmas tree and new village signage.

  1. Setting of village precept 2023/24

It was agreed that the precept would remain at £480 for FY 23/24.

  1. Update on progress with Single Unitary Council for North Yorkshire April 2023

Sec reported that all information on progress of the move towards the single unitary council for all of North Yorkshire (except City of York) in April 2023 had been dispatched via the Farlington Alerts system. A series of open forums had been organised in the various market towns for residents to raise any concerns or queries with officials. Sec would continue to disseminate information as it came through from County.

  1. New Farlington Alerts System

Sec reported that the current Farlington email alert system would be changing in the coming months as Jason Brown, who manages the website and hosting, will no longer be able to offer this free of charge due to his retirement. However, Jason is looking at alternative options to try to action a seamless transfer to a new system.

  1. Date of next meetings 2023

Interim Parish Meeting at financial year end: April 23rd, 7pm, Farlington Village Hall

Parish AGM: Sept 20th, 7pm, Farlington Village Hall

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