If you drive a Toyota Hilux we have an urgent message for you.

It comes after we recovered a Toyota Hilux which had been stolen from the Beckwithshaw area of Harrogate. The vehicle, which was fitted with a tracker, is being returned to its rightful owner.

However, two other Toyota Hilux vehicles have also been stolen from our area recently, mirroring a growing trend in neighbouring police force areas, and across the country.

Continue reading “If you drive a Toyota Hilux we have an urgent message for you.”

Sandbags Support to Communities during Flooding

North Yorkshire Council is simplifying its approach to supporting communities who need access to sandbags during a flood incident.    The offer that was available to communities from the previous District and Borough councils was inconsistent, so this has been updated to ensure there is a single offer across North Yorkshire.

From the beginning of October 2024 if a member of public requires access to sandbags they should Google Sandbags North Yorkshire or use this link.   If there is an immediate need for sandbags then they can call 0300 131 2 131 and either say Sandbag when prompted or follow the instructions.

Continue reading “Sandbags Support to Communities during Flooding”

Farlington Acoustic Music Evening

Farlington Village Hall, Wednesday 30th October

7:30 pm to 10:30pm (Doors open 7:15pm)

Violin wrapped in Christmas lights

Come and shrug off those post budget blues and enjoy a cosy, foot tapping evening around the woodburner. Folk, blues, jazz and pop performed by invited local musicians.

Tickets £10 to include a welcome drink and nibbles.

Feel free to bring a bottle.

Tickets strictly limited, so book early to avoid disappointment!

Contact secretary@farlington.org.uk or text Sue on 07840 966041.

All proceeds to support Farlington Village Hall

Harvest Festival at St Leonard’s

A field of wheat

It is Harvest Festival time at St Leonard’s when we celebrate the end of the year’s harvest.  As usual, we shall have our Harvest Festival and Harvest Supper on Friday, September 20th at 6.30pm and follow this with a Harvest Communion service on Sunday 22nd at 10.30am.   We look forward to seeing you at these occasions.